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  <元器件交易网>传感器讯 12月19日消息,据路透社报道,美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)周二裁定,谷歌旗下摩托罗拉移动用来指控苹果侵权的一项元器件专利无效,该专利可通过传感器来防止用户在触摸屏光明上拨打错误号码。

  本周二,美国国际贸易委员会诉讼事件记录表上显示,行政法法官Thomas Pender判定摩托罗拉该专利无效。

  “我们对此相当失望,并正在评估我们的选择,”摩托罗拉发言人Jennifer Weyrauch-Erickson说。苹果发言人则拒绝对此予以置评。


  八月份,该委员会发现苹果并没有侵犯摩托罗拉的其他三项专利,并责令Pender进一步调查该触摸屏传感器专利案件。该委员会将会全力复查Pender的最后断定。(strong交易网刘设备 摘译)


  ITC judge sides with Apple against Google on phone patent

  (Reuters) - Google"s Motorola Mobility unit cannot assert a patent against Apple Inc which covers a sensor that stops phone users from dialing wrong numbers on touchscreen devices, a U.S. trade judge ruled.

  In an entry on the U.S. International Trade Commission docket on Tuesday, Administrative Law Judge Thomas Pender ruled the Motorola patent invalid.

  "We"re disappointed with this outcome and are evaluating our options," Motorola spokeswoman Jennifer Weyrauch-Erickson said. An Apple spokeswoman declined to comment.

  Apple has been litigating around the world against various manufacturers of phones that operate on Google"s Android operating system. Google acquired Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion this year, partly for its library of telecommunications patents.

  The ITC, a U.S. trade panel that investigates patent infringement involving imported goods, is a popular venue for patent lawsuits because it can bar the importation of infringing products and because it issues decisions relatively quickly.

  In August, the commission found that Apple had not violated three other Motorola patents, and ordered Pender to further examine the touchscreen sensor patent. The full ITC will now review Pender"s latest ruling.

  The case in the ITC is In the Matter of Certain Wireless Communication Devices, Portable Music and Data Processing Devices, Computers and Components Thereof, 337-745.

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