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2012芯片市场萎缩 英特尔东芝等营收下滑

  <元器件交易网>意法半导体讯 据外媒报道,尽管2012年不太平静,市场调查公司Gartner还是给出了预测。据Gartner推测,今年全球元器件市场营收为2976亿美元,与去年的3070亿美元下降3%。其中,全球排名前十的半导体厂商有三家今年的营收下滑幅度达两位数,他们分别是:存储器下滑13%,Samsung下滑12.7%,SK海力士半导体下降11.2%。光明受PC销量下滑的影响,收入下降了2.7%。而排名第二的三星因为strong价格下跌,下降幅度更快,达到8.7%。而排名前25的芯片厂商将占据68.2%的市场份额。



  Gartner公司一名市场调研主管Steve Ohr称,PC行业市场通常是半导体产业增长的主要动力,而今年PC市场也出现了多年来的首度负增长。“PC产量在2012年下降了2.5%,甚至智能手机巨头已开始走向了成熟,虽然2012年在收入上仍保持着最强劲的动力,”他声称。

  在排行榜上排名前十的众多半导体厂商中,仅高通和博通两家营业收入获得了增长。其中排名第三的高通增长高达29.6%,营业收入高达129.5亿美元美元,而排名第九的博通营业收入增长了8.8%,达到78亿美元。(芯片交易网刘东芝 编译)


  Qualcomm, Broadcom climb in chip company ranking

  LIntelDON – Although 2012 is not quite over, market research firm Gartner reckons it can already state that the global chip market will decline by 3 percent in 2012 to $297.6 billion with the top 25 vendors generating 68.2 percent of the total.

  As a result of the weakness its perceives in 2012 Gartner now forecasts that the industry will show little growth in the first half of 2013 but that the second half would see a recovery phase.

  Steve Ohr, a research director at Gartner, said that the PC business, ordinarily a growth driver, was a declining market in 2012 for the first time in many years. "PC production declined 2.5 percent in 2012. Even the smartphone juggernaut had begun to show signs of maturing, though it remained the strongest driver for revenue growth in 2012," Ohr said.

  Intel is set to record a 2.7 percent revenue decline, mostly due to declining PC sales, according to Gartner analysts. ON in second place is likely to have declined even faster, by 8.7 percent, mainly due to weakness in memory pricing. The only two companies to achieve revenue growth in the semiconductor top ten are likely to be third-placed Qualcomm, growing by 29.6 percent to about $12.95 billion and 9th placed Broadcom with an 8.8 percent expansion of sales to about $7.8 billion.

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