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2012年全球模拟芯片市场营收393亿美元 同比下滑7%

元器件交易网讯 根据市场调查机构Databeans 公司的报告,2012年全球模拟芯片市场总收入为393亿美元,与2011年424亿美元相比,下滑7%。

2012年全球模拟芯片市场营收393亿美元 同比下滑7%0




2012年德州仪器以其16.7%的市场占有率继续稳居首位,营收为66亿美元。2011年,德州仪器完成对国家半导体(National Semiconductor)的收购。意法半导体2012年模拟芯片市场占有率为9%,营收36亿美元,稳居第二。

据Databeans 估计,排名第三的AD在数据转换方面处于领先地位,2012年,其营收占据了公司模拟芯片总营收11亿美元的一半。ADI在高速模拟数字转换(ADC)市场占有率高达84%,占总体模拟数字转换市场营收的60%。(元器件交易网刘光明 译)


Qualcomm rises in 2012 analog chip market 

LONDON – The market for analog chips declined in 2012 to $39.3 billion, down 7 percent from $42.4 billion in 2011, according to market research firm Databeans Inc. (Reno, Nevada).

This was a steeper decline than the 3 percent contraction experienced by the overall semiconductor market. Of the application sectors for analog ICs, power, automotive and communications were the most resilient, whereas computer, interface, and data conversion products took the worst hit, the firm reckons.

The ranking of the leading analog IC vendors changed only slightly in 2012, according to Databeans with Analog Devices rising above Infineon Technologies to take third spot despite both companies suffering declining analog sales. In contrast Qualcomm in fifth spot increased its sales by 7 percent.

Texas Instruments remained the leading vendor of analog chips and in 2012 had 16.7 percent of the entire market, or $6.6 billion in revenue. In 2011, Texas Instruments completed the acquisition of National Semiconductor. STMicroelectronics retained the second largest market share for 2012 at slightly over 9 percent and $3.6 billion in revenue. 

Third ranked Analog Devices leads in the data converter segment, making up half of its $1.1 billion in analog sales in 2012. ADI had an 84 percent share in high speed ADCs and a 60 percent share in overall ADC revenue, Databeans estimated.


