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  <元器件交易网>元器件讯 据外媒称,本周在旧金山召开的国际电子器件会议上麻省理工学院的研究人员展示了铟砷化镓晶体管(InGaAs),并称在22-nm工艺设计中整合III-V晶体管将会变成现实。


  从2009年,英特尔就在为III-V晶体管通道调整高 k金属栅堆,而丰桥技术科学大学在去年声称已经解决了在硅衬底上沉淀砷化镓的晶格失配问题。




  麻省理工学院的下一个目标是通过优化堆降低阻抗来改善他们的InGaAs晶体管的电子特性。这个研发团队的终极目标是生产出比硅电子传输速度更快的III-V晶体管,并将栅长度缩短到10nm。(MOSFET交易网刘光明 译) 


  MIT integrates InGaAs in 22-nm design flow

  PORTLAND, Ore. -- Integrating III-V transistors into 22-nm design flows may soon be possible, according to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researches who demonstrated indium-gallium arsenide (InGaAs) transistors at the International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) this week in San Francisco.

  Since 2009, Intel has been tweaking high-k metal gate stacks for III-V transistor channels while Toyohashi University of Technology claimed last year to have solved the lattice mismatch in depositing gallium arsenide on silicon substrates.

  MIT demonstrated an indium gallium arsenide transistor that it claims can be shrunk to smaller dimensions than silicon. Built by MIT’s Microsystems Technology Laboratories, the researchers claim their 22-nm demonstration transistor show that InGaAs is a promising candidate to replace silicon at advanced technology nodes.

  Employing the same MOSFET architecture as conventional CMOS transistors, the researchers used self-aligning techniques to fabricate the nanoscale gate. Using molecular beam epitaxy to deposit the channel, molybdenum was then deposited using e-beam lithography to form the source and drain electrodes. The middle gate was then etched with oxide deposited on top after which evaporated molybdenum was fired at the surface.

  "With a combination of etching and deposition we can get the gate nestled [between the source and drain electrodes] with tiny gaps around it," MIT said.

  The MIT is next aiming to improve the electrical performance of their InGaAs transistor by optimizing the stack to reduce resistance. The team"s ultimate goal is to produce III-V transistors that are faster than silicon and have gate lengths as short as 10 nm.

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